Dr. Daniel L. Graf
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
office: CBB 342
email: dgraf(at)uwsp.edu
mailing address: Biology Department, 2101 Fourth Ave, Stevens Point, WI 54481 USA
I use macroevolutionary patterns such as spatial and temporal distributions coupled with phylogeny to test hypotheses of macroevolutionary process among freshwater mussels. That is, mollusks belonging to the order Unionoida. I have general interests in freshwater malacology, bivalve systematics, the methodology of the phylogenetic systematics, and biodiversity informatics.
For the last few years, I have focused my attention on tropical freshwater mollusks, especially the freshwater bivalves of Africa, and the post-glacial distributions of freshwater mussels in North America.
Check out the MUSSEL Project Web Site to learn more about my malacological research, including recent publications & presentations, information about freshwater mussel biology, recent news and an online database of mussel taxonomy and specimen records.